Gettin' There...


Well, I may have missed my deadline, but I am getting VEEEERY close to wrapping this chapter up. Here's a quick progress report;

  • Of the two different story routes, one is fully written and the other is very nearly finished!
  • There will be four-ish endings; more accurately two or three with several variations. Like, probably too many variations. I can't help myself #masochism
  • ALL OF THE MINIGAMES ARE DONE AND WORKING!! I may fine tune a couple of them, but overall these fuckers are all functional. In all honesty I find it pretty tough to accurately play test difficulty in my games, so I wouldn't be surprised if I need to come back and revise the challenge level a bit. But as they stand, I'm satisfied.
  • Art is mostly done. I still need to add some sprites and cg's for the various endings, but those likely won't take too long.
    In case you couldn't tell, that was an attempt to jinx myself.

I don't quite have a specific release date in mind, but I feel pretty confident that I'll have it done in the next few weeks.
Here's hoping!!

Get Breeders From Sector 9!!


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one must imagine imp happy…

when next week for next episode? 

I still don't know for sure. Ideally it'll be ready to drop in the next few days, but there's always the possibility that I get hung up on trying to fix a bug or something.


it's ok hung it up to fix bugs. nobody want game be broken. take your time on it

the Carter countdown is 1 week dudung dudung the bells gon get your ass dudung 

Unless I accidentally delete an entire event with three cutscenes like I did a week ago, I think I might be able to eke out a win here.

Three more art assets, a bunch of play tests, likely a couple rewrites, and we're golden Ponyboy.

Are the cutscenes lost to the void or were you thinking about re creating them in a post live patch? Kino delivered either way.

I just had to rewrite them, they were pretty important story cutscenes. Cost me a weekend, which crushed my momentum but I'm still pretty sure I can get the game out in the next week.


Just discovered this gem and wanted to share my praise. It was on the shorter side, but that just makes me look forward to the next chapter. Love the OST, probably the best part of the game tbh. The Director(antagonist) was excellent, I loved every scene she was in and can't wait to see what she'll do next. I couldn't figure out what to do with the clue pages, but I guess that's for future content? The characters and their dialogue were also quite charming, an aspect most adult games fall flat on. You did an excellent job developing your game, FeelinImpish!!

Hey, thanks for all the kind words, I really appreciate it!!!

I actually can't take any credit for the music, the majority of those were free, no-copyright tracks from Pixabay, with the main exception being the title theme "The Little Critters" by Sean B which I bought on Pond5. I do want to become less reliant on other people's music eventually, but I'm still learning the depths of RpgMaker so learning how to make my own music is a bit more of a long term goal.

I loved writing for the Director, so I'm glad ya liked her! Sadly she won't have much of a role in  the next episode, but I definitely plan on giving her more screen time in future installments.

The clue pages were going to lead up to something, but I couldn't really fit them into the game the way I wanted so they're just kinda dead assets now. I didn't really plan this game out too well, to be honest; I was kind of firing from the hip so I could finish in time for the Jam deadline. But future BFS9!! episodes will be better put together. (I hope lol)

I'm glad you like the characters too! Character writing is one of my highest priorities when it comes to making stories, so it means a lot to hear that you liked them! =)

the heats coming back someone get this man a Lipton sweet and some pussy pronto.


That reminds me, jimmy carter turns 100 in 15 days, who wanna bet he gets this done before big man goes triple digits?

Carter's probably got me cooked, ngl

holy fuck this made my day


bro look like Jimmy Carter after 5m of asset texturing RIP my man.


I just had an odd thought. What if you had to hypnotize a swirly glasses frayed hair scientist who you fail every single speech check on because his only love is the advancement of human knowledge. Then when your disguise breaks the guy folds immediately.


is there a human perspective piece where she looks like a horrifying beast eyed monster because I’d laugh my ass off.

No, but I'm definitely noting that idea down for later


I meant to say beady eyed, she also has claws and sharp teeth so I was laughing to myself on a playthrough about if her telekinesis wore off and she was chasing the screaming humans crying for them to come back when they just hear screeching and gurgling. Heh


i like the game so far i wish the dialog wasn't skipping at much because. i hope there other characters you can choose from with different abilities. the story could be flush out more and side story too

Glad you like it!
The skipping dialogue is meant to simulate the speaker being interrupted, so I avoid making it important dialogue. But if it annoys people I'll pump the brakes on it.

There's definitely more that I wanna do with this setting. I don't know if it'll include new playable characters, only time will tell!


oh ok i just wondering and i notice not armor and weapon  in the base game and leveling . this just going free when compete finish   or pay for it? the skills only is 3  use but i notice converse and enthrall not active? i know this porn game but i really did like the story i hope the story does get more flush out

I might make equipment a bigger deal in the future, I haven't decided yet. But there won't be any leveling since it's not really designed to be a typical rpg (though I do have plans for other games that will have these things!) As for the skills, the first combat system was supposed to be more like a typical turn based system, but after I changed it I just forgot to mess with her skills lol 
And the game will be free! There will definitely be more BFS9!! later on, but after this new episode drops I'm going to start working on some other projects. 


i see  i  know you are dev and i just trying give  some good feedback helps. you think she will more skills down in future? i know you say there no leveling but i think it good to have  leveling to get new skills or health. i don't mind to pay for this when fully complete to help you out. this game is side project?  i did download basic version .  Not the browser version . i don't mind test out lately version for you to give you feedback.

I appreciate it, feedback is always welcome! 

I really can't say for sure what I'll wind up doing with future BFS9 installments. There's a chance I'll use levels and new skills, but I have other projects I want to work on that are more aligned with traditional rpg gameplay elements.

I also don't have any monetization stuff set up. I may accept donations for future projects, but for the time being I'll be submitting things for free.


is the expansion side content or post endgame?

It'll technically be a second episode, so post-endgame


I believe the correct term of use here is "YIPPEE!"


I can't wait! 


This is neat,the game is neat, your art is neat

Thank you so much!! =)